Welcoming New Staff Members!

Over the past few months, the RCI staff has had an opportunity to do some visioning and internal restructuring focused on improving the quality of our programs and preparing us to grow as an organization. We’re happy to share the following transitions and additions to our team!

Welcome Alicia!

Welcome, Natalie!

Congratulations, Blake!

Congratulations, Emily!

Blake Henry is moving into an expanded role as Housing Director and Program Team Lead. Congratulations, Blake!

Alicia Moyer is joining our staff as Grants and Donor Relations Manager. Welcome Alicia!

Emily Snyder, who previously served as a community center volunteer and AmeriCorps VISTA, is stepping into a new role as our Community and Housing Services Coordinator. Congratulations, Emily!

Finally, Natalie Flores is joining our team as the Community Building Center Director. Welcome, Natalie!

We’re so grateful for our gifted and dedicated staff, who serve our community well every day.