What it's all about.

What it's all about.

We haven't been very good about posting pictures this summer, but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy. Our Community Building Center is now open on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and we have been filling our days with service projects with Community Exchange, working in the garden, sewing, making rugs, making comforters. We even ran a training on restorative practices.

"I don't have family, but when I die, I know that you will be here to be my family. Thank you."

"I don't have family, but when I die, I know that you will be here to be my family. Thank you."

We have been remiss in posting photos lately, but we have been as busy as ever at RCI. Our Community Building Center will continue to operate through the summer, even as the overnight shelter and other winter services close for the season. We are working hard to raise the funds to increase the capacity of the Community Building Center, and the $100,000 that we need to launch the RCI Village.